My baby girl got sick last weekend with a case of Kennel Cough. (Dog Bronchitis)
It was pretty nerve-racking hearing her cough so hard she was puking and that it was so consistent, happening every few minutes.
We tried to let her sleep it off because every emergency vet we spoke to had an 8 hour or more wait time.
Then at 12:30 it had gotten to the point where none of us could sleep because Rowie wasn't doing well with the sickness.
We then took her to the ER and waited for about 4 hours for the doctor to see her.
Thankfully she is making a full recovery and she can finally play again.
We had to let her rest a bit for a week and she hated that lol even though running around the apartment would make her cough she didn't care because all she wanted to do was play.
Thinking back to getting this dog I somewhat expecting to be madly in love with her from the day I got her but that was kind of half true.
At first, I was in love with her undeniable cuteness and how fragile she was but after the first 2 weeks and very little sleep all I could think was what the fuck did I get myself into?
Having a dog is no easy task especially when you're working from home, training her 3 times a day, and still have to get them the proper exercise they need.
Eventually over time though you grow to love the dog an insane amount like it's your own child and they seem to work their way into your family.
All the training sessions start to pay off and if you missed one it feels like your day is off not just your dogs.
Raising a dog has been one of the most fruitful things I've ever done and although it has been tough at times that discomfort has made me grow.
I think passions work in a very similar way.
It's scary and uncomfortable to put yourself out there and to show people you suck at something.
Whether that is art, dance, photos, sports, etc. having a dog is the same thing.
If you are not passionate about your relationship with your dog it shows like a sore thumb the same goes for photography.
It takes daily effort not talent.
If you're shit at either the only formula you need to get better at is TIME, EFFORT, and CONSISTENCY.
This is the only way for the cream to float to the top.