Bitching doesn't help anything.

Has there ever been a time where all you wanted to do was bitch about your life?
Yeah we have all been there and today after a few days with minor inconveniences I let it all out.
It didn’t make me feel any better.
Hearing myself bitch out loud made me feel really dumb.

This brings me back to a conversation I had a few days ago with my girlfriend Meg.
I had a dream board I made about where I wanted my life to be in early 2019.
I haven’t looked at that board since the day I made it and to my surprise I have every single thing I put on that board except one.
( We’ll get to that one thing later. )
The point I’d like to make here is that your life now was most likely your dream life just a few years ago and for some reason we expect there to be a parade when we get to the finish line.
Unfortunately there are no finish lines in life besides your death and you wont be there to celebrate that anyways.

Instead of sounding preachy now I’m going to talk from my own experience.
When I am not grateful for things in my life I cannot move forward.
This is because my negative attitude and feeling of lacking makes me work less.
These thoughts compound further thinking and of this is a head game that cannot be won other than through action.
The only time I have ever complained in my life about other people, circumstances or other bullshit has always been because I was not doing what I knew I needed to get done.

With that I am grateful to have such an amazing girlfriend to experience life with and to create photos together.
Meg is featured in the photos below and she’s always been my favorite subject and today I just had to remind myself how lucky I am to have a space and a partner to shoot with.

P.s. The only thing I don’t have from my 2019 dream board is a space where I can connect with nature.
I know it may sound silly but I’d really like to have a space I can call my own one day where I can just check out and make the work I want to make without the bustle of a city.