Before bed last night I got a call from one of my best friends just to catch up.
The conversation had such an easy going flow and quickly we dove into deeper topics.
This friend in particular I hold in such high regard because of his honesty and intelligence.
I told him what I have been up to journaling, shooting, podcasting.
He expressed his desire to start a podcast but I could hear the apprehension in his voice.
I too felt the same way before I tried to start doing this.
I still feel weird about it but I got over what people will think of me because my intentions are to help someone like me 5 years ago learn what I wanted to know.
There is no better time to start than now and even though I wasn’t ready to start a podcast I did.
It pains me to think of someone with such intelligence and talent for thoughtful conversation to waste that gift.
That doesn’t mean my friend should podcast it just means that he should share his gift with the world.
If people like it they will come.
If they don’t fuck it shift into something else.
Finding a tool for your passion isn’t easy.
You have to try a lot of different things to understand what the right tool for yourself is.
For myself my passion has always been storytelling but I can’t always accomplish it with words.
I need images to aid me in that process.
The photos below were from a walk I took with my girlfriend around my neighborhood pretty simple but in the campaigns I’ve done for brands storytelling is at the forefront of the images.
It’s not the product I am photographing that I am trying to show in my images it’s why we are using it that makes a visual story important.
This is how you find the tool for your voice.
For myself podcasting was the best option for me to help my 21 year old self how to grow my photography career.
This blog is the best tool to help motivate myself for the day and to help others grow from my own mistakes.
If you are looking to grow in anything think about what works for you and share that with other people.
It for sure will open up conversations that you may have never had in turn helping both parties get one step closer to what they want to achieve.
Hope this helps,