Attitude is everything.

Day 333 of 365

Following my last blog post my conscious decision to stop being a baby really made me feel like a grown as man.
I had the best weekend and met and interacted with more people than I normally would.
It was intoxicating.
I let my mouth vomit whatever it wanted to and I let the extrovert in me talk to anyone that caught my attention.
I was vulnerable.
It felt natural making my neighbors laugh in the elevator, talking to old ladies in line for a coffee, and I felt all the problems in my life melt away.
There is something so routed in our DNA that is tied to human connection.
As humans we need much more social stimulation than animals but often we let the fear of rejection or looking strange hinder our innate desire to connect.
This weekend I was entirely ignorant to any fear based decision making and all the good in my life seemed to hit me in the face.
I was really surprised that such a simple conscious decision to change my attitude could alter outcomes so drastically.
I wont try to hold onto this one too tight but I guess the moral here is perception and attitude really influence your reality.