Photographing the Catskills

Day 230 of 365

Spent the past few days in Hudson, NY photographing for Hudson Made, a company I have been a fan of for some time now.  Experiences like this remind me why I love photography so much. 
The privilege to try new things, like sheep cheese, good wine, fresh vegetables, and to do it all with amazingly talented people is a dream come true.  I never knew where a camera could take me but I don't fear that it will lead me down a dead end anymore. 
It has only ever opened doors not close them. 
So to whoever is out there contemplating going back to a safe stable career despite how much you can't stand it....fuck that. You can work part time somewhere to pay your bills.  
Life is really short marathon. 
It goes by way too fast but we need to commit to the race to make sure we accomplish our goals.
Make a long term decision to commit to what makes you happy. 

I did. 

Despite the tons of people telling me, that's a saturated market, everyones a photographer, my friend went to school for that now she's back getting her second degree, etc. etc. etc. 

I've never been happier with my decision to stick this out instead of going back to school or getting a "normal" job. 

If you want something bad enough you'll find a way to make it happen.