Day 223 of 365
I chose quiet pictures today because over the past 2 days I have been working on making a mini poetry book. Something for a coffee table. I write every morning not just on here but in a journal. This is something I started back in November and I am on my 6th journal now. There is something so deeply satisfying about filling up pages until there is no more space to write. You can't really accomplish that on the internet or anything digital. It's a much slower process, more methodical, it's much harder for my hands to keep up with my brain when I have a pen in my hands. I enjoy it.
With this being said I'm really curious to know how many of you actually like poetry accompanied with corresponding photos for each poem. If you'd be interested in purchasing one of these comment yes or no anonymously below and if you want to say why that'd be an even bigger help.
I am also working on some photography editing tutorials if that is something your interested in, don't worry those are coming soon.
Back to why I chose quiet pictures today.
The same day I made the conscious decision to write everyday I also chose to run everyday but I fell out of it.
Through work, travel, moving back to New York, I let it fall by the wayside.
I was able to run everyday for 2 months then I broke from my decision.
It was a terrible feeling.
This time I was able to identify why i stopped running...Because it's fucking hard lol
It's easy and more comfortable to write everyday and it's painful and way more rewarding to run everyday.
3 weeks ago I started running again. 4.5 miles every other day and if I feel up for it I run 2 days in a row and I skate board on the in between days.
I am committed to activity now. I want to keep my body in motion until I die for health reasons.
Yesterday was my best day yet I chose a new route 6 miles my furthest yet but when I got home I still had so much energy.
So I decided to run my normal 4.5 mile route on top of what I had already did.
Holy shit did my legs get sore fast.
All I could do was quiet my mind.
My body just kept moving and I was out there having a good time.
All I had to do was keep moving forward.
Around mile 9 I ended up stopping at a liquor store an getting the coldest and best tasting corona of my life.
I chugged it and continued on my route home. (luckily I didn't cramp)
It was a great day for me and seeking pain only showed me one thing.
Your mind is in charge not your body.
That thing could be falling apart and if your mind says move it does.
Seek pain. Quiet your mind.