Film photography at Rockaway Beach

Day 221 of 365

Pay attention. 
It's something I've always struggled with. 
To be here. 
In this moment and be aware. 
To not think of yesterday, or tomorrow, finances, or fear of missing out. 
When I am present in the moment in the activity life seems to be pure. 
Like your a kid again. 

There are some things in my life I would highly recommend that seem to put me into that space. 
The ocean. 
Writing. (sometimes) 
Playing guitar. 
Taking photos when the sunrises. (That specific time because I seem to be in a groggy dreamlike state still. 

What do you get lost in?
What makes time melt away? 
You don't need to make money off of this thing but you should give yourself deadlines to do it more often.

There is no place like the present and whatever gets you there should be somewhat of a priority.

Photos featured below are from last Sunday with friends at Rockaway Beach, Nyc. 
One of my favorite places where I can sit i the water for hours and forget everything in life. 
I hope you enjoy.