Day 148 of 365

I am going to keep this one simple because I think this speaks to the heart of one of my biggest flaws.  I hold onto to work too long leaving it forgotten or no longer up to my new standards.  So if I could share anything with anyone else trying to create or make anything with their bare hands, their voice, or their vision, that is "Release early and release often." 

You are not going to like your first project, not your second project, probably not even your 155th project but the important thing is if your afraid to release something it's probably because your taste is better than your work.  Which is a good thing, but the only way to decrease the gab from your skill level to your taste level is to make, make, make, and show, show, show.  If people laugh at you fuck em, but I hardly find thats the case most people admire people who put themselves out there.  Start making, start sharing, stop waiting.