
Day 250 of 365

With these blogs I am always trying to be as transparent as I can be without spilling every single detail about my life. After all this blog is mainly about personal growth more than it is photography. Photography is just the vessel that made me take personal growth into my own hands. I am not perfect I slip up and for a few weeks I have been in a crumby low energy funk.
I’ve let it keep me down, but just by making small decisions (keeping my phone off and reading an inspiring book) I had the best morning and I had a productive day yesterday that is helping me see the light at the end of the tunnel.

One thing I would say I am really good at when I make the conscious decision to do so is to forgive.
It’s so freaking simple yet so often I find it more satisfying to be mad…but it’s not.
It lowers your energy, makes people around you put off, doesn’t make you any more right even if you are, and it is a massive waste of precious brain space.

Today I just want to forgive all the negative shit I’ve been holding onto.
It’s a miracle just to be here in this moment being able to pay myself, not have a 9-5, live in NYC and to be doing what I love most.

If your holding onto something let it go.
Even if a person still wants to hate you love them.
Why would we ever waste your energy on resentment?
Don’t, you’re too good for that.
Seriously the best feeling in life is not revenge it’s hearing that opening guitar riff to Superstition by Stevie Wonder and not giving a single fuck.

Enjoy your day folks.