What can I learn today. Somewhere in the past year I stopped asking myself that question and it has done me a major disservice. I got comfortable forgetting how little I know. So today I took an hour to dig into some lightroom mobile a new extension of an editing software I already use. I am more of a photoshop guy but it is very slow and argues editing tool so wherever I can save time is a massive advantage. Why not just switch to lightroom.... Well my main issue with lightroom is that I am a big color manipulator and when I manipulate the color green in the trees to be more of a burnt brown it will also change all the other greens in the photo. Meaning a green car will turn burnt brown and I hate that. I feel like that is a very "instagrammy" style where you see the entire feed having all the same colors. That doesn't work so well with products which is what I have been photographing the past couple years. It also doesn't work well with skin tones either but none the less it is a very popular look. I prefer to keep certain colors as is especially if they serve a purpose in the photo ex. a red shoe. My other major issue with lightroom is that when I get an edit to look finished on my desktop and then send it to my phone it never looks quite right...but when I edit in photoshop then send to my phone it looks the same. Finally to my point I gave lightroom mobile a try and the absolute best part, is that the edit looks exactly the same because its on your god damn phone...
I don't know what causes the disconnect between computer to cellphone or from lightroom to my phone but it is rather annoying. I think with that being said mobile editing is the way of the future so I decided to stop avoiding it and if it can save me time and allow me to edit while traveling I will hopefully end up loving Lightroom Mobile.
Sample photos below.