Not everything is rainbows and butterflies. Fuck I wish it was but it just isn't and don't be fooled by the ever perfect seeming personalities on social media. Pintrest, instagram, snapchat etc. all have people only showing the perfect parts of their lives some even faking those parts. Fortunately for me that is not something I believe in. I believe in constant positivity but more than anything I believe in struggle. A word I am going to use lightly because honestly my struggles if you can call them that are so minor compared to some of the people that I have met in my life. None the less those people inspire me way more than people who lead by only showing the best parts of their lives. I look up to good people with great lives who had to live with their head in the fucking dirt to get there. Teaching myself to drop the romantic idea of being a photographer out of my mind has a loud me to progress so much from where I was. I simply just go shoot, then I edit, sometimes I plan and I go try it now. Not trying your ideas is a failure. Failure needs to be embraced and if we only look at the perfect sides of our lives well, then we are not seeing the other 90% of the hard work it takes to get to that near perfect level.