Finding Paco a home.
This weekend on my way home from the bar with a friend a beautiful little kitten came up to me and was very friendly. It was obvious he was a stray and after a solid 5 minutes of petting him we decided to take him home give him a bath and feed him. Come to find out the cats a girl but it was too late we already named her Paco. That night the cat cuddled the shit out of both of us going back and forth between beds all night...the cats a whore she loveseverybody. JK she's a great kitten, her fur is super soft and she just loves attention and cuddling but unfortunately I am just finding out that I am allergic to cats and I travel way to much to be the parent of anything right now. So with that I had to put her up on a few forums today to see if anyone would like to adopt her. The response has been awesome there's quite a few people that want her and quite a few people that want me to take her to the Vet first. Either way I am having fun with her in the mean time besides the dry throat, scratchy eyes part.
Here's a picture of Paco. =))